Request Classifeds

Classified Ad

Classified Ads Will Remain Online for 60 days from the date they are posted and will be included in our monthly e-newsletter.

Ads must be received by the last Thursday of the month by 10pm to be included in the monthly email blast sent on the first Tuesday of every month

If you have multiple postings you must submit a new request for each item. 

Classifieds request can be for a training you are offering, CPA services for therapists, attorney services, office space for rent, in search of supervision or a specific referral, announcements, book club offering, free resources, etc. This is sent out to our current subscriber email list of just under 1000 participants. 

If providing a job posting, you MUST provide salary/pay

If your post is deemed harmful or found to advocate for oppression, it will be excluded from our classifieds postings.

Any questions at all, please don't hesitate to reach out!

Ad Type:
Complete Purchase